View Profile soulscreme

28 Movie Reviews

6 w/ Responses

Good but looks to be derivative

I don't mean to hate or anything, but while this looks to be a very decent flash, the style seems very derivative of your Taishi work. While Taishi is a great series I would love to see a bit of a new look to the enemies.

Victor Lucas?

Very nice, a bit generic though. But, yo, was the bad guy Victor Lucas. I dunno if you watch G4, but if not here's a pic of Victor Lucas:
And yes, he is the devil, he reviews games and has never run across a game he doesn't like.


Okay, great lil flash, kinda. The animation was tight, the sound was off the hook, but was this an ad? I swear it looked like a movie trailer and even had a link to a script. There are two things wrong with this. 1) Ads should not be entered here since you give up all rights to yer shit, 2) This would be the worst movie ever made. Seriously, it's like He-man, with a gun, with a guy with a laser eye. If you really think this could be a halfway decent movie, please never try to write a script again. I don't mean to shit on you, but I think you'll be sorely dissappointed if you get this made into a movie, and I think you should take some time and write something better.

Why the f*ck is this on the front page?

Okay, the faces were okay, the rets of the art sucked nuts. The opening theme was pretty good, but then the sound went downhill exponentially. The story was not intriguing, the animation was weak, overall this blew chunks. But bro, I do think you have potential, this jsut feel extremely rushed. SO why the f*ck is this on the frotnpage again?

Cartman's Voice?

I hate to give this thing a five, it looks georgeous, but come on, that Cartman voice sucked balls.

Fat boys are coming.

Age 41, Male


Drexel University

Philadelphia, PA

Joined on 1/20/03

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